Pages: Powerful Building Blocks

Instead of prescribing a specific workflow, Living Spec adapts to how your product or project team members naturally work. With Living Spec's Pages, you can easily share key product details, and move content between pages to keep your spec focused and easy to follow.

Living Spec Page Editor

Richly Formatted Content

Create easy to follow product details

Without an effective way to edit your page content, streamlined data management and communication can be a maze. Living Spec Content Editor keeps away inconsistencies as well as complicated revisions and restructuring.

Creating a new child page and relocating content is as easy as 1, 2, 3 from the Content Editor, an ever-present tool that follows you wherever you go. Highlight your desired word(s) and choose Convert to Page or Move to Page. Pages are a key part of the Living Spec collaborative document tree.

Content can be authored using common markdown shortcuts, but we believe that markdown alone is insufficient to describe full products.

Connect, format, and reorganize your Living Spec document pages, along with your Spec's content, with a suite of content insertion tools including Code Block, Embed, Snippets, and AI-powered Speech-To-Text and dictation.

Navigate with ease

Navigate with ease

Across or within a page

Grasp your collaborative document tree structure at a glance, bypassing the need to read line by line to confirm you're in the right place. Easily spot covered topics by reviewing Spec page names and headings, ensuring you're always referring to the right section.

Forget about manual Table of Contents creation. Living Spec handles it on your behalf on both document and page-wide levels from the Content and Pages side toolbars, saving you and your team time in maintaining your tree's structure.

Everything gets hyperlinked. A simple click on a page or heading from the Content and Pages toolbar takes you directly to your desired corner for efficient collaboration.

Toolbars and Insights

Toolbars and Insights

Even more ways to streamline your workflow!

Skip manual content input or file uploads—email us your Spec details, and we'll handle the import.

Experience effortless content integration and save time searching for details within your page using Living Spec's powerful search functionality.

For visual learners, our Context feature offers an interactive map connecting pages, providing real-time insights into your spec. Stay updated on the latest activity effortlessly.

Dynamic pages get created by specifying search criteria and filters, organized into one or more sections. This allows you to create a page showing all content related to a specific topic with ease.

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Upgrade to a paid plan only when you're ready.
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